Quick Facts
Year: 2011
Size: 50,000 Sq. Ft.
Contract Value: $5.6 million
Production of large animal replacement fluids requires some specialty manufacturing processes. In turn, these manufacturing processes also demanded some special construction methods, most notably the construction of a contaminant-free clean room environment.
Some of the key points that made this project unique are
1) Cleaning a spec building before construction began
2) Constructing manufacturing cleanrooms around existing construction
3) No model for basis of design was available, requiring close work to learn their systems and work patterns
4) Building a Clean Room Environment that will meet strict regulations and inspection standards
The building is a 50,000 square foot facility and the clean rooms occupy approximately 6% of the total building. Our Design-Build team, along with the Owner Team, put in long hours to bring the right solution to Nova-Tech—one that gives a World-Class Animal Health Pharmaceuticals manufacturer a World-Class home. If you need a world-class home, call Lacy Construction Company to provide you the best solution.